Type | Site | Description |
Social/Forums | Muppet Central | News and Forums for all things Muppet (Fraggle, Sesame Street included). Also a good resource for News, puppet building, and puppets for sale. |
Social/Forums | Puppet Hub | A global network for professionals, amateurs, and people who just like puppets. Forum, pictures and more. |
Social/Forums | Puppet Maker's Workshop on Facebook | A Facebook community composed of puppet makers helping puppet makers. Creative advice and sharing techniques are welcome here. |
Social/Forums | Puppets And Stuff | A Community On The Web For Puppeteers where you can find tons of information from the history of puppetry to how to market your own puppet company. They discuss just about everything that is related to puppets and puppet theater with a helpful active base to answer questions. |
Social/Forums | Puppetsmith | Puppetsmith is a place where puppet builders from all over the world can pool their collective knowledge – to learn, to share, to collaborate, to advise, to experiment, to critique, and to grow in their craft. |
Social/Forums | The BJ Guyer Hand Puppet Design and Fabrication Group on Facebook | The BJ Guyer Hand Puppet Design and Fabrication Facebook group is a group for students and instructors to communicate and share progress on Stan Winston puppet classes. |